A Journey With Wings

To Return and Remember

Ash Scatter in the San Gabiel Mountains
Scattering at Sea By Air is Better than a Scatter at sea by boat


A recent client situation made me realize how important it is to have a location for the family to return to when remembering their loved one. And if this location is beautiful and easy to access, the family will want to return there.


I had a family return to us to scatter the cremated remains of a third family member in a location we had previously scattered two other family members. This time the family used a different mortuary for the cremation this time. The mortuary suggested that the family scatter at sea by boat because “it is more traditional”. I was surprised this had happened, but I assured the family that the boat captain would take good care of them. The scattering by boat was scheduled for a few days later.


The family called me a few weeks later to ask for help. As it turns out, the wife of the deceased was sick on the day of the scattering and was not able to accompany the rest of the family on the boat.


Now the wife wanted to go see the scattering location. The family was hoping they could drive somewhere along the coast and see the scattering at sea by boat took place. They provided me with the coordinates. Unfortunately, the location was rather far from shore, and not near a suitable viewing location. They would need to rent a boat to return to view the location where their loved one was scattered.


This made me realize that by scattering by airplane at a location the family can view from shore is not only convenient for the family on the day of the scattering, but it is convenient for the family to return to and remember.


We always perform our witnessed scatterings at sea at a location that the family can easily gather and have a full view of the scattering. We try to recommend locations that have plenty of parking and a nice setting. This makes it possible to drive to the location on the day of the scattering, and also return to the same location for a future remembrance.


Many of our scatterings over land locations are also planned for their convenient accessibility. When we scatter over land and the family chooses the witnessing option, we try to coordinate the scattering close to a convenient viewing location such as a trail head or a visitor’s center. The family can then return to the same spot when they want to remember their loved one.


If the scattering is planned at a beautiful, accessible location, whenever a family member feels the need to be close and remember their loved one, they can always drive back to that beach or trail where they had witnessed the scattering. It is that simple – no need to rent another boat or go to a place you would rather not be.


Please contact us if you have any questions about our locations and witnessing options. Our family would be honored to help you and your family.

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