A Journey With Wings

How To Help People Who Are Grieving

Grieving the loss of life will always be a challenging part of the human experience. Feelings of guilt, loss, and confusion can often drive an individual to the edge when dealing with the loss of a loved one. Fortunately, as with all issues in life, there is professional help for those in need. Turning to friends, family, or religion can usually help ease the pain. For those that cannot cope, or are without a support network, they can utilize a therapist with an accredited grief counseling certification. Grief counselors are a professional and responsible way to help people heal after suffering a loss. The following are helpful tips for anyone who is currently suffering, or knows someone suffering with pain and loss.

Do not be Cliché

As uncomfortable as it can be to talk about loss, it is a part of the life cycle and will affect every human being at some point. When faced with these moments, clichés that were often used in the past can seem like a good idea. Statements like “God gives and he takes away,” or “life goes on,” are some clichés that everyone repeats and can seem trite or unsympathetic if said during a time of grieving. One of the first things and best advice for anyone is to be a friend. Listen quietly first and give the bereaved help that caters to their specific situation. Allowing someone to air out their sadness and confusion will alleviate pressure and establish a bridge of trust. Remember not to push or force a conversation, but always be available when they are ready to talk. Remember that the grieving process has no time limits. It is necessary to allow healing at an individual’s natural pace.

When to use God as a Resource

Not all people have a faith, or religion to fall back on, so it helps to keep it as generalized as possible in order not to offend if you know someone isn’t religious. For those who do not believe, it’s better to focus on the times spent together and the blessing of life that we all have. Life is a gift, given to all humans, regardless if they believe in God or not. Most likely anyone who is grieving the loss of someone is doing so because of the tremendous and positive impact they have had on their lives. That is never a thing to be sad about, instead remind them to be excited and blessed to have experienced this special person in their lives.

For those who believe in a faith, reminding them of the cornerstones of whatever that faith may be will always be helpful. Multiple religions have a different approach to death, so taking the time to understand their frame of mind will provide you with better advice to give.

Grief Counselors

Grief counselors or therapists experienced with death can be engaged any time during the grieving process. Typically, they are necessary when a bereaved person’s coping mechanisms are not enough or are out of control. Some may find that they do not like to ask for help, which is why paying for a therapist also works. Counselors should have grief counseling certification and training to diagnose symptoms, and suggest life changing coping strategies. They have an all-encompassing training that counsels those who need it, from all walks of life. Many, who are struggling with grief, find grief counselors to be unbiased sounding boards, to release stress and misery.

The loss of a loved one does not mean the end of the road. There is always someone available to help deal with the pain. Struggling to cope alone can be detrimental or even cause serious depression. You never have to be alone, regardless of beliefs or support structure available; there are societal support organizations that can help. Take the time today to help yourself or someone you know with the grieving process.

You can also get more information about Southern California funeral services and extend some assistance to the grieving family.

Dominick L. Flarey is interested in health and well-being. His experience in the industry makes him an expert on various medical topics.

Image Credits: Flicker

A Journey With Wings
244 N Dale #223
Fullerton, CA 92833

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