A Journey With Wings

Ceremony for Scattering Ashes

At A Journey With Wings, we offer several options for a Ceremony for Scattering Ashes. The Ceremony for Scattering Ashes can be the actual scattering event or could be a ceremony that takes place before or after the ash scattering flight.


Our witnessed scattering service offers several opportunities for a Ceremony for Scattering ashes. Our witnessed scattering service is scheduled at the day, time and location of your choice. Usually at a park, pier or trail-head nears the scattering location. The scattering is performed by airplane in full view of loved ones on the ground. The cremated remains make an elegant twist as they leave the airplane. There are many ways to enhance the witnessed scattering to make it a personalized ceremony for scattering ashes. Sometimes families will write notes on rice paper to be scattered. Rice paper is biodegradable therefore it can be scattered along with the cremated remains. Another option to enhance the witnessed scattering is to use Holi powder to color the cremated remains in the deceased’s favorite colors. One time we performed a witnessed scattering service for an artist. His wife requested that we color the cremated remains in the colors of the rainbow.


Our Private scattering service can also be used for a Ceremony for Scattering Ashes. In the private service only your loved ones ashes are taken on board. This allows loved ones to participate in the scattering. We can accommodate up to 4 participants. In the past we have had families say prayers, sing songs, and drive a beverage that their loved one enjoyed. The private service can also be done in a manner that allows loved ones on the ground to witness the scattering as well. Most often after the private scattering service families we have lunch in the café at the airport.


All of our aerial ash scattering services can be tailored to meet your needs. If there is a special Ceremony for scattering ashes you would like us to do, we will make every effort to accommodate you.



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